martes, 12 de junio de 2018


First I was afraid, I was petrified, when Laura Chiarino, my friend Pili's mother (and well known entrepreneur in my neighborhood), asked me if I was into joining her direct marketing company and grasping the opportunity to sell aloe vera based products.

I thought YEAH, RIGHT, like I am willing to "marry" a company that also makes cosmetics and never ever again see the dawning of the next modeling contract. See, exclusivity (either by contract or by this sort of situations where one, as a model, automatically becomes the face of the brand) is a very dangerous tool to handle since it mutilates any chance that the given model might have of signing anything with any other cosmetics company. Hence my immediate NO.

The idea wasn't bad, though. At the time I was starting a project where second hand designer bags, my own house and my social skills -combined- were crucial. Laura had received my invitation via WhatsApp and had done her maths; mum of four, willing to work from home, with lots of pounds to shed = FUTURE MANAGER!!!🤑🤑🤑

Long story short: she was right. In one year and 15 days, indeed, I WAS A MANAGER at Forever Living Products.

What happened? Was I brainwashed? Nope, she did most certainly not do that to me, but THE PRODUCT did. The magnificent product or shall I say PRODUCTS became the inspiration to a new, thinner, richer me. Oh, I'm not BRAINWASHING YOU this time around, and as much as it may sound like a cliché, this DID happen.

I lost 5.5kg (about 11 pounds) in NINE DAYS and NEVER suffered from REBOUND EFFECT... Magic? I don't think so... 

This is what actually happened; (to be continued haha)

In the meantime, please LIKE ME 😉on Instagram @katthomsen and Facebook


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